
We sat down and we watched the sun start to set, the sky was so beautiful, it had the orange shades, casted with pink and purple. I felt nice having to hear the bustling streets, birds chirping and seeing ordinary people for a change.

I know soon we will have to go back so for now, I drank everything in knowing that I might never see this again.

I looked at Samantha, looking like she was a thousand miles away, even in her distant look, she still looked breathtaking. I moved her hair away from her face and safely tucked them behind her ear.

I brushed the side of he face, her skin felt so soft against my fingertips, she looked at me, her eyes sparkling . She took a deep breath “I like you.” She said.

It was only 3 words but it was enough to make me breathless.

“Me liking you has costed me everything and the crazy part is that I don’t care. I know that it is crazy that I like a convict who has murdered so many people and has no ounce of regret, but that doesn’t change the fact that I like you.”

For the first time, I didn’t have anything to say, I was speechless. So instead I crashed my lips on her plum lips and they were soft just like how I had imagined them to be.

I sucked in my breath, I almost couldn’t believe what was happening at this second. I finally got to kiss the plum lips that I have always wondered how it would have been like to have my lips against them.

we both pulled back, both of us out of breath, “I like you too Samantha, I always liked you.”

“You do?” She asked in such an innocent tone making my chest rumble with laughter “Yes, I like you so much that I often lie at night and think about you, I think about how your eyes twinkle when you get an idea and how those floral dresses of yours look great, you make them look great. You are great. you make me want to have kids with you, see you walk down the aisle and grow a family with you.”

Tears streamed down her cheeks followed by the sniffles, she was always beautiful but seeing here with her tears streaming down her cheeks and snots on her face right now, right this instant she looked the most beautiful at, if it could happen I would fall for her all over again. I wiped her face and kissed her again, our kiss was mixed with her salty tears but it didn’t matter all I wanted was her and her kisses.