I smiled as I looked at Bavumile going wild and acting like a kid, I like the fact that he was happy and it was evident on his face.
“You have broken so many rules Samantha,” My pastor said in a disappointed tone, damn Thembi for having a loose mouth. “There are rules for reasons and rules are there so that we can follow them.”
“But I have done nothing wrong.” I said trying to reason “Bavumile is more than a convict, he has feelings and his feelings matter too.”
My pastor shook his head “You have broken every rule there was Samantha, you became emotional with the prisoner, you did things you were not supposed to do.”
“Is it so bad that I befriended him? Doesn’t the bible say that we should care for one another and not judge?”
“That’s the problem Samantha, You cared, you exposed yourself too much and used your mother’s influence to get away with many things.”
I looked around at all the elders of the church who all gave me a disapproving look. “I’m afraid we have to ban you from visiting prisoners as one us.”
“You can’t do that.” I said standing up.
“It has already been decided but you can still come to the church service.”
I stormed out of the church and went into my car and cried, I cried so hard that it was even hard to breath, I should have known that this day would come maybe I could have at least prepared myself.
I couldn’t blame them, they were right I have broken every rule and the most important of them all which was do not fall for the prisoner. I have already fallen for Bavumile so hard that I don’t even know what to do with myself.
“This has got to be the best day ever!” Bavumile said, looking so carefree and so happy as he continued to stand right at the surface where the waves would come crashing.