
“I have one more surprise for you.” I stopped chewing and looked at Samantha.

“You mean this wasn’t the surprised?”

“I mean, it was part of the surprise.” She said standing up, “Come.”

I looked at her with confusion, “Come where?” She laughed “Come with me.” I stood up confused and followed her, only to see that we were going to the gate that she usually comes in from.

“Wait,” I said, she turned around and looked at me. “Where are we going?”

“To your actual surprise.” She said turning around and started walking, I had no choice but to follow her.

We did a lot of twist and turns, left so many gates behind and then I saw it, a car and dozen of police cars all around. We got inside the car, still confused, Samantha did not offer anything other than, it was a surprised.

The car got out of the prison high walls and gates, it felt weird being out of the prison after so many years. There were so many police cars all around the car and a helicopter following us.

I didn’t speak the entire ride as I was mesmerised by everything that I saw on the streets and how the people and stopped and stared at the many police cars.

The ride took a little over 3 hours, when we got out of the car the smell of salty water hit me first, my eyes got so big that I was sure would come out of their sockets as I looked at Samantha “No way.” I said.

Samantha giggled and nodded “Yes way.”

As we rounded the car I came face to face with the beach oh it looked so beautiful as the water crashed on the surface. “Take out your shoes.” She instructed, I quickly did so, I then felt the warm sand under my feet.

Everyone at the beach stopped whatever they were doing and stared at us and at the many police officers that now were here but I didn’t care.

So many emotions were swirling inside me, I didn’t know whether to cry or be happy. I rushed over to the water and just stood there with Samantha not far away.

I giggled as I spread my arms and felt the water as it crashed on my feet, my heart was bursting with joy and I knew that if i were to die right now, I would die as a happy man.