
A lot has changed since I have been in here, other than the more advanced cell phones, Samantha explained to me things that had changed abd I realised that there were many different gay people now that it was hard to keep track of, there were even those who were called Queer, what was a Queer?

I shook my head, and a smile formed on my face. But what caught my eye was what used to be my home but now it was deserted and in ruins.

I looked at the house that was once my home now filled with over grown weeds. I placed the picture down and the next one was of Samantha, in the rest of the pictures it was her in different places but all I managed to look at, was her and her bright smile.

At one if the photos her face was in the picture as she was showing what was once a bakery shop that I used to visit but it was no longer there instead there was now a salon.

In some of the pictures she was posing, she looked so happy in all of them.

I smiled as I looked at a picture of her soaking wet on a beach. I let out a laugh, the sound feeling foreign in my mouth, it has been a long time since I had a genuine laughter that bubbled and rose from the pit of my stomach.

Samantha was soaking wet with a seaweed on her head, she looked funny but yet also adorable.

When I got back in my cell, I plastered the pictures on the wall except the one of my old home, I placed it under the mattress and laid back on my bed again, before closing my eyes I looked at Samantha’s picture again and smiled before letting sleep wash over me.