Rose and her crew came over to taunt karabo 
hey karabo”,said boipelo with a laugh seemingly showing that they have something planned “so are you guys going to perform at the talent search “,says rose
” no I’m not”, says karabo 
“I might but still thinking about it “,says Rachel
 “so you don’t want people to see your fat self performing up there on that stage “,says rose you better no boy or any human would want to see that face or that body on stage no no its not possible darling “,says boipelo laughing hurting karabo’s feelings 
“Rachel why do you have this fat thing as a friend “,says Rose “you should be friends with us the beautiful and hot body girls not some sdudla “,says boipelo then thabo passes by hearing what boipelo and rose where saying then he goes to them trying to get involved in the matter . 
“Rachel you should leave this fatty girl with no future i know she will never work who would hire a big sdudla like you Rachel leave this one join rose and her crew baby you know i want the best for you so this fatty bombom is not the best for you”,says thabo 
Rachel through about what thabo was saying then she said “,l’m really sorry karabo but i have to tell you the truth i only befriend you because i felt sorry for you and i never liked you as a friend i want cool and entertaining friends your just not it and plus your fatty ,loser self is not working for me bye karabo where no longer friends”, says Rachel going with rose and her group and holding thabo’s hand and walking away from an almost close to tears karabo then break ended with karabo heartbroken waiting to go home. 
At the period after break it was English the teacher told us he was busy with something at the office then he went to the office. Mpho came to here ” are you okay? “,says mpho as he sees karabo’s heartbreak
 “no my friend told at break that we are no longer friends and she went with rose and her friends instead and became there friends”, says karabo 
“shame sorry about that maybe you can become my friend “,says mpho “you really want me to be your friend “,says karabo yes i do and plus how about i come to where you stay and we can talk about this situation which is affecting you .you can’t keep this issue inside you need to let it out so what do you agree or what?”,says mpho trying to help karabo 
“‘yes i agree “,says karabo ” yeah i will come with some one hope you don’t have a problem with that”, says 
“yes i don’t have a problem with that “,said karabo then the English period ended then came another period then it ended then came another period then it ended then it was afterschool. all karabo wanted to do was to go home and sleep but she did not forget that mpho had to come to her home and help her release the stress she has gotten from the exhausting day