
The days were passing by very fast and we still haven’t found the getaway driver stilll. The past few days I have been laying low, not anything that will put me in jail.

I looked at the guys, it was just the four of us amongst them was best friend Sizwe.

“We have gone through this plan for the hundredth time already, everybody knows what is needed to be done right?” Mbongiseni asked, the group leader since he is the one who organised all of this.

We all nodded in unison, the plan was engraved on my mind already.

“We still don’t have a gateway driver, what are we going to do?” Mbongiseni asked.

When no one answered, I cleared my throat “I may have someone.” I hated doing this but seeing how Nombuso was practicing driving fast in the past few days made me realise how serious she was with all of this.

“It’s Nombuso, I watched her train and she has gotten really good.”

“Perfect.” Mbongiseni clapped his hands together and smiled “Finally, please call her.”

I quickly took out my phone and dialed her number, it only rang once before it was answered and told her to come here.

It did not even take 10 minutes and she was already here, she had cut her hair short and dyed it with a dark purple colour, she looked different but beautiful.

Mbongiseni took out the map and laid it at the centre of the table. “Now, you guys already know your positions. Nombuso you will park the car right here,” He said pointing on the map. “Just in a corner, the cops will expect us to use this road but we going to fool them just a little bit and use the same street where the police station is at. No cop will expect that.” He looked up to see if Nombuso was listening only to find out that she was.

“Okay, and the car do you guys already have it?”

I nodded “Yeah, the car is available nothing fancy just an everyday old car.”

“The final question, when are we attacking.”

“Tonight.” Nombuso said as Mbongiseni rolled the map. “At 11 p.m be ready we going to meet right here at 10:30 p.m.”