
The dogs barked as I ran past the passages that I have grown to know since I was a child. My heart was pounding ever so loudly in my ears; the beating of my heart was the only sound I could hear.

I jumped some fence, my new t-shirt that Nombuso bought for me tore just a little but I didn’t stop to look at the damage.

No, there was no time. I was only a street away from my place and only then will I be able to breathe again.

I didn’t dare look behind my back to see if those guys were hot on my heels or maybe I had managed to lose them.

The red door of my shack came into view and boy was I glad to finally come across it.

Before I could knock, the door swung open, Nombuso hurriedly let me in and quickly closed the door behind me.

I sat down on the crate and took one big breath.

I did not have to look up to know that Nombuso had her hands resting on her waist giving me one of those looks.

“Mpilo uzobuyeka nini lobugebengu bakho?” “When will you stop being a thief?”

I shrugged and took a jug and went to get water from the bucket and took big gulps, finally my heart started to rest a little.

“Woza la my chocolate.” She rolled her eyes but I could see a hint of a smile no matter how much she tried to hide it from me. I took out the money that I had managed to get today and gave some of it to her “Do whatever you want with it, okay?”

She sighed as she took the money and shook her head, unlike most girls she was never blinded by money. I was convinced that she loved me for real even if I came home soaked with my own sweat.