I smiled as I saw the sign of paint ball. “I didn’t want our first date to be too formal.”
He took my hand as he led me inside, we were handed out guns and went int place and started shooting, I laughed as a ball of paint landed on me shirt. “I’m going to get you.”
I heard Ayabonga’s laughter as he ran to hide.
Soon we were both covered in paint as we both laughed at how ridiculous we looked. “You look beautiful.” He said as he held me by my waist.
“Thanks.” I said “Thanks for today I really enjoyed.”
He kissed my forehead and looked at me “You wanna grab lunch.”
I looked at my clothes and shook my head “We are both full of paint.”
“I brought change of clothes.” He said as he ran into the car came out with clothes in a plastic bag. “I hope you don’t mind when we both match.”
“I don’t.” I said taking the plastic and went into the toilet and quickly changed into the black sweatpants and a vest.