“That was something else.” he said when we got inside the car and I am really sorry about what my said mother to you.”
“Don’t apologise you are not the one who who said those words to me therefore you should never apologise.” he nodded, we got both kept quiet. It was not the awkward silence, it was the silence that came with peace. “My place or yours.” He asked, It has been like this for the past few weeks. “Yours.” I said as as I leaned on the window. “Thank you.” I said
“You tried to defend me back there and I appreciate that.”
“I could not just sit by and watch my mother humiliate you like that.” He said as he held my hand. soon we were at his place, we watched a movie as he I cocooned next to him and soon I was fast asleep in his arms.
The morning came sooner that expected, I kissed Aya as he hurried to work, I applied the body lotion and put on my uniform inside my bag, as soon as I was done I got out. “I’m glad you arrive.” Tommy said as I walked in “Why?” I asked as I rounded the counter. “Zinhle said that she will be late and Bheki said that he is stuck on truck, I need all the help I can get.”
“Okay let me quickly go and change.” I said as I hurried to the change room and came back to help around.