For the past few weeks it had felt like I have been living in a fairytale world. Ayabong has been such a breath of fresh air, he has been nothing but sweet as he he took me out to all the amazing places, or if we were too lazy to go out we had an indoor picnic or played video games or even watched Netflix.

My world had felt like it had completely changed from what I thought I always knew. He has shown me love that I never thought existed except on movies only. each and every single day he would be there waiting for me to clock out whether it was raining or not.

I looked at my self in the mirror and smiled as I put on a dress, I wanted to impress his family. Although he told me not to stress and just be me it was hard to be, meeting his family felt like a big deal to me and beside I never had much practice from my Melusi. I looked at the watch it read 6:50 and soon he will be here. I looked at myself once more and smiled at the progress that I had made.

My braids were up in a ponytail, I had a little bit of make up on and had put on a sleeveless dress. The knock came at the door. I smiled as I looked Ayabonga, he looked breathtaking in his black and white tuxedo. “You went all out.”

“So did you.” he said as he kissed me “You are really beautiful my Angel and I brought you something.” he said taking a little box from his pocket and opened it and I was met by the most beautiful and sparkly necklace “Wow.”

“Please turn around.” he said as he took it out from the box, I did as he said and lifted up my braids for him to easily put it on. As soon as he was done I looked at it and it had a small heart “I like it.” I said as I turned to face him.

“And I like you.”

soon we were driving into his parents place and I just couldn’t stop fidgeting . “Hey.” he said holding my hands “You don’t have to be so nervous, my parents will see why I love you.”

My breath caught on my throat as I heard the I love you we had not yet said those words to each other, I looked at him and back at the road “You said the 3 words.” I could feel his eyes on me for a second or two and I heard him clear his throat “I know that we agreed to say those words when we were really sure about our feelings and Nombuso, I mean them. I love you to the moon and back there is nothing that I wouldn’t do for you.”

I didn’t know what to say, Lord knows how much I wanted to say those words back but I didn’t. I just kept quiet until we arrived at his parents house.