I poured myself whiskey and sat down next to my I.T guy. My house looked like a hurricane ran through it. There were multiple screens all doing different work.
“So?” I asked impatiently, I rubbed my now overgrown beard which needed a cut so badly. “Found anything?”
He looks up with half a smile “I think I might have found some phone connection but it went as fast as it came.” I stood up so fast forgetting that I am on my my boxer and a robe only.
I had to know I spent months looking for them, anything that suggests that I might have found them was enough to keep me having faith.
“Where?” I asked again standing behind his shoulder. He pointed at the small island “But I could be mistaken it was more like a bleep than a sure thing.”
I smiled oh that little son of a… I poured another whiskey for me and nodded “Oh it’s them alright.”
I can’t believe I never thought of checking my own damn islands.
I faced the window looking at how still everything was, everything was quiet the silence was filled with only the typing of the I.T guy. I had to go there, I just have to. finally I have found them, after so long I can only imagine how grown up Naledi is now.
there were times I day dreamed about what I would do when I found them but now that I was just one foot away from finding them I no longer cared about them no, all I wanted was to have my girl right here in my own house.
the only thing I want from here on was for her to know me as her father and no one else. “Simon.” I said over the phone with authority that I had lost in the past few months now grateful to have found my voice again. “Make sure that everything is okay with the chopper, we are going for a ride an hour.”
“As for you.” I said to the I.T guy no longer looking at him as I climbed the stairs two at the time “Continue working there, never stop.”