So the thing is, she is being raised by a single parent. All the past years when she was still a toddler she didn’t have a tough time that much since her mother had a job and was able to provide what she wants and needs. 

Her mother lost her job late 2015 and has been unemployed all throughout the years till now. It has been tough for them all as a family. This year it became harder for Leratolarona to contain. 

Days when she talks with her mom were the worst since the conversations could increase Leratolarona’s stress. “Rato if only you applied well you wouldn’t be here watching TV with me, you could have been at school doing something with your life. The neighbors are now happy and rejoicing.” Her mother scolding Leratolarona.

 “Ah if only you had me when you were successful, we wouldn’t be in this situation. The pressure won’t have been on me to get our family out of poverty.”, Leratolarona saying to herself. 

“Now your mates are at university and you’re here suffering with me.” Then there was silence. Leratolarona left and went outside and cried. “God was I meant to suffer like this please answer me I know you can hear me or am I cursed?” Talking to God while crying. After a few hours she took her phone and went to the gambling app. She started gambling and won at first.