Kid, see what you did back there? Impressive.

I gotta say, I half expected you to chicken out, but you sure took charge. Needless to say, it was my plan that got us the cash, but you cooperated like a champ.

I’m trying to drive us as far away from the crime scene as possible. And in this old SUV that I “borrowed” from some stranger, it might take us a while.

We make a good team, you and I. Me giving you the instructions and you following my every order. We’re like Batman and Robin, except we’re not heroes.

I wonder what Marg is going through in this moment. She’s probably going on and on about how she “knew we looked suspicious” when we first entered the bank. Hahaha, she was totally oblivious, along with so many of the spectators.

Oh, Thabang and Kagiso. For sure their manhoods are still up and awake from the effect that I had on them. It’s kind of sad, you know. Men nowadays being so clouded in judgement because of a women’s assets. Too bad, so sad. Their stupidity made me R5 million richer, so you don’t see me complaining.

Gee, this car seems to be driving slower and slower every mile we go. It’s probably because of the engine’s giving in, or because of the R5 million weight in the backseat. I’m thinking it’s the latter.

It’s 21:45 and I can’t tell my North from my South. All I know is, we’re far enough from the crime scene. It looks like we’re in the middle of some desert, the Namib desert maybe.

It looks like, you and I have reached the end of our journey. It’s been…fun, I guess. I’d say I made a friend out of this, but then I’d be lying. I’m a saint of a woman, I don’t lie.

I’m a R5 million richer woman and you are R5000 richer. How awesome is that?

What? You thought you were getting half of the money? Half as in, R2.5 million?!

Hahaha, you think funny, kid.

I hope you spend that R5000 wisely. That you use it to treat that Poverty’isis.

Till next time buddy.

Now get out of my friggin car!