For confidentiality’s sake, you can’t know my name. Just call me… call me, R.
It’s safer for both of us if you call me R.
I wouldn’t want to “accidentally” kill you if you snitch my name to the police.
I wouldn’t do that, by the way – involving the police. They might just join our little club. With the money we’re going to bag, i bet that even the community pastor will join us.
Surprise, surprise…corrupt authorities.
Sue us.
Enough chit chat, let’s get down to business.
We’ve got a little over an hour until the time comes.
16:15 is crunch time. For us, that is.
By this time of day, no sane employee gives a damn about their job. The security guards aren’t focused. The bank consultants basically have their heels looped on their fingers and the guys ties are hanging loosely off their necks. They are busy counting down the minutes until they knock off.
You might be thinking, “Then why not rob the bank at night?” Well, Einstein, the banks security is at peak during the night. It’s the most predictable time to rob a bank.
Ever heard of something called, “the element of surprise”?!
Just waltz in at 16:15, giving them a healthy dose of “tada” and leave them absolutely dumbfounded.
I’m a genius, right?