If you’re reading this, then it’s too late.

You’re in too deep. There’s no getting out of this.

Don’t run. Because, let’s face it, you can’t hide.

I know where you live. I know what your last meal was. Hell, I even know what you’re wearing right now. And I know for certain that you feel me staring at you.

So look over your shoulder, check to see if you can spot a suspicious character.

If you don’t, I’ll give you a hint.

I’m the lady wearing shades, a black tracksuit, with a purple umbrella in hand.

If you still can’t spot me, then you’re too dumb to be a part of this.

And if you can, well… Hey, my dear friend, welcome to the club. The future billionaires club.

Calling this a “club” might be stretching it a bit, considering that I’m the only member.

But not anymore, because I found a plus one. YOU. Broke, impoverished, bankrupt YOU.

No judgement here though, because truly, you and I are much alike.

At the bottom of the income ladder, barely making it day by day.

There are many people like us, you know. Many who’ve forgotten what cow meat tastes like. Many who still use that bar soap, even when it’s the size of a Sim card. Many who turn the other way when the loan shark, who we’ve owed for 6 months now, faces our direction. We’ve grown accustomed to that pap and cabbage combo, washing it down with water – government juice.

But not anymore. Because you and I are not like these other guys. Saying “yes” to these unfortunate circumstances. We are smarter than them. We are choosing to take charge. We are choosing to grab life by it’s penniless balls.

And that is why we… We are about to rob this bank!