*Eating pap and cabbage everyday because “you are on a diet”
*Buying R5 airtime to pay off your R237 airtime advance, just so you can get another advance.
*Boiling your bathing water using firewood because “you like doing things the old-fashioned way”
*Using free-mode in all the apps that provide it because according to you, : “Data contributes to global warming”
*Using that sim-card sized soap to wash your whole body โbecause… because, it’s the new trend.โ
If you have related to any of the above scenarios, then I’ve got good and bad news for you.
The bad news is, you have symptoms…symptoms all pointing to a severe disease… POVERTY’isis.
The good news, you ask?
Well, the good news is, I have a cure for your illness. A rather effective cure.
Pinky promise to not freak out when I prescribe you this antidote? Yeah?
The treatment for POVERTY’isis = ROB A BANK.