One piece of wisdom Ganesh Naidoo is to go back to school . You’re in your mid 20s and bursaries are everywhere. He tells you to consider a TVET college and you look through the brochure of PE college and your eyes lie on transport and logistics. Having worked at the harbour for a long time , you’re passionate about how goods are moved . You’ve also improved your tech knowledge but never share this with Ganesh . You like him to think his computer sort of fixes itself . You like to fix the inventory application , sorting out bugs . Bugs he miraculously thinks disappear .
At college you strike up a friendship with a young man who will be your ticket to your job . That’s another rule: know people in the right places . Your friend’s father is a local councillor who has an insider in the department of transport. Through your friend , you get an internship upon finishing your N6. It’s a very boring job of looking through applications for tenders for companies that fix railways and roads . It turns out your friend’s father has installed you two inside the department for his own reasons . You soon get a promotions , being the one who picks the companies that will get tenders , which makes you extra money . A portion of that money you have to give to your father’s friend .
It’s around this time that your friend starts attending a mega church. The kind that cleans dirty money and takes you along . His mission is to find a wife . You end up finding a wife too, unintentionally . Amanda is lead choir singer and every man in the church clambers for her attention. That’s because her father is a very wealthy gangster . You don’t have time for her but she finds a way to win you over and before you know it , you’re in your early 30s and married to a very materialistic Christian woman whose favorite pastime is running bible study groups in exotic islands .
She’s your way into crime . With the help of her father , you join and lead a mafia of cargo robbers. You’re the inside man who knows when and where ships and trucks are coming . The robberies make you a multi millionaire. You’re good at disarming security systems installed in cargo because of your tech expertise and you’re a perfect leader because you have a day job at the department of transport , sorting out papers and giving out tenders .