Years of abuse and disappointment have changed your mother . She drinks all the time. By the time you finish matric, you know that deep in your heart you need to help out at home . Your matric marks are mostly mediocre as you don’t give it all you have . Only mathematics and business studies look good . You’ve spent most of your matric year trying to learn how to fiddle with computer electronics and coding . You’ve managed to recycle an old computer stolen from your high school’s computer room at night . To help out at home , you sell marijuana to other teenagers and do shady deliveries for grootmans in the township .

You don’t want to further your education so you get a job at the harbour, packing fish for fishing boats . Then you get a fishing licence and work closely with fishing boats . You do this for two years until you meet the man who changes your destiny . An Indian man named Ganesh Naidoo who in his 60s owns a warehouse near the harbour . He takes a liking to you and teaches you how to unload and organize cargo . He also sees your knack for numbers and trains you as his inventory clerk . Finally , you feel that you are making something out of your life .

One day you are walking home , chowing one of the samoosas that Ganesh makes for his workers at the warehouse when you stumble upon a dimly lit shop in town and go in . You find a young girl reading fortunes . She’s slim , with beautiful brown skin and she reads your palm and tells you you’re destined to be a wealthy man . You laugh and invite her out for coffee which she declines . Everyday after work you go to the store to check her out and eventually she agrees to go on a date . You take her to the beach and talk for hours; about stars , the zodiac , strange planets , luck and love . She’s 19 and you’re 21 . One day after work , you go check on her bringing her favorite chocolate and find the shop closed. For months you look for her . After a year it dawns on you that you’ve just had your first heartbreak . I think it’s wonderful . Now you will focus on becoming a mega millionaire.