The next day I woke up ate my breakfast and did my morning routine and got ready to go to college

I dressed put on my shoes and I brushed my hair and put my things in my bag and said good-bye to my mom and brother and gave them a hug

I walked to take the taxi to Belleville I got in the taxi and sat down in the third row I paid my taxi fare and after a few minutes we drove off I put some music in my ears passengers got out at various stops the taxi driver dropped me off at Eskom in Belleville I got out of the taxi put my phone in my bag and greeted the people and walked to the Absa building in Belleville walked up the stairs to the first floor to college I arrived on time for college I went in and greeted the receptionist’s and everyone and went to the classroom for the lesson greeted my lecturer and my friends at college they are in the same classroom as me.

The lesson began it was a Friday I can still remember the date the youth event took place 14 October 2023

It was time for teabreak I ate my sandwich and downloaded some more music and spoke to my friends and told them about my encounter with the youth leader and about the youth event that is taking place at 9:45am I went in the class tea break was over I sat down and focused on my work that my lecturer handed out to us.

I thought about some things I thought about my future and those types of things while I was doing my work.

Suddenly I smiled for no reason I thought about what my boyfriend will look like. I painted a picture in my head.

The college finished very early so I walked down the stairs walked with my friends to the bus stop and took the bus and paid the bus fare and got in and went to sit down and listened to music and thought maybe at the youth event the evening I might meet the love of my life.

I got off at my stop and walked home I arrived at home and scanned my face and went in and went upstairs to my mom’s and my apartment.

I took out my clothes to wear the evening I freshened up and got ready.

When I was ready I walked downstairs and waited downstairs for Anthea and her husband to come and pick me up.

I waited for a few minutes and then they arrived I got in car and greeted I was introduced to her husband his name is :Josh we drove to pick up three more youth members so we picked up the first guy his name is : Promise and then we went to pick up a young lady her name is:Yonela after that we went to pick up a guy who I was introduced to and his name is : Burton.