I remember the proud look on my parents faces when you brought your uncles over my house for the lobola negotiations, just after three months since we started dating.
I was afraid you wouldn’t be able to pay the amount my father requested, but you did!
R200 000! In cold hard cash! I could see the jealousy on aunt Joyce’s face, I bet she wanted you for her ostrich daughter.
“How could he pay so much? It’s not like you’re educated.” She said, being negative.
“He loves my daughter.” My mother had said.
I smiled, my head bowed, when I gave you the meat and traditional beer I was told to serve you. You looked so beautiful in that traditional attire. Your muscles were out, and I couldn’t help but fall deeper for you, especially when you lazily looked at me, then licked your sweet pink lips.
Oh my Goodness, you were a beautiful man. So tall, so broad, so beautiful. Your black eyes, and the goatee you had, made you more masculine, as your beauty was so feminine. You were so beautiful, that if you shaved off her moustache, people would think you were a very attractive woman.
I watched as your throat muscles took in the traditional beer, your eyes were closed. When you were done, you placed the ukhamba down and smiled at me again.
“I can’t wait for tonight.” You whispered.
I felt electricity ripple me. I couldn’t wait too! Yes, I was pure, never been touched by neither man nor woman. I was ready for you, I couldn’t wait for tonight either.
“Calm down, Zulu, it’s only a few hours left.” I’d replied, in a husky voice.