I had to listen to you and her making love in the other room, Mthandeni. When I told my parents, my father shouted,
“He’s a man. Men will always cheat. What matters is, you’re the one with the ring.”
So, I stayed, at home they said, I’m no longer their daughter. I felt broken. Every night I had to listen to your side’s loud moans, I’m sure my babies heard that too.
I started painting, to release stress and it helped. One day, I posted my painting online, and I was approached by a person who collected paintings. He bought my painting for 2.3 million.
It got worse when your side gave birth, she gave you what I could’ve given you, but you took away, Mthandeni! She gave you a daughter!
I watched you, as you became a girl’s dad, and you started neglecting your heirs, Mthandeni! Yes, I failed to give you a girl, but, I gave you the most important things, sons, heirs, the very same heirs that will give you grandkids and grow your name like you always wanted!