I wish I hadn’t replied when you first greeted me. How could I possibly have known of the maximum effect you would have on me? I wish I had just passed by when you stopped me,, and went on with my day, if I could go back to the first day we spoke, i would change everything and tell you, I am not interested in getting to know you.

We wouldn’t be here now, if I had just ignored your loud car hooter, while your deep voice kept piercing my ears,

“Come on, pretty lady. Hop in, I don’t bite.”you said.

I was try

ing so hard to ignore your loud remarks, but I couldn’t help but turn my neck so I could finally see the person who had been hovering over me, hooting non stop, and catcalling for the past five minutes. As my eyes landed on you, you immediately jumped out of the Mercedes G Wagon you were driving and slammed the door shut, running to me.

“You are a hard nut to crack.”you said, and jokingly hung your hand around my shoulder.

Honestly, you were my type. Tall, light skinned and very handsome. I was impressed by your confidence, and in all ways, i was mesmerized by your beauty. I had never seen a man so beautiful. Your bushy eyebrows and your long and dark eyelashes, melted me. The deep dimples on your cheeks, couldn’t have made you even more appealing to me.

The floral shirt you were wearing brought out the colour of your black eyes, and the skinny jean you had on, pasted to your legs as if it was painted on you.

  • “What’s your name, girl?”You asked so casually, while we strolled down the street. I was honestly charmed that you had dumped your car, and decided to walk with me, just to get my attention. Most guys would have long given up.

“I am Zikhona.” I replied, with a serious and stern face. The kind I pull only when I want to scare boys away. But, you didn’t run away! Oh no! You didn’t, and it’s only now I know why you didn’t run away, you were a man, not a boy.

“I am Mthandeni.”you introduced yourself, your voice thick with a Zulu accent.

“I can’t say I’m pleased to meet you.” I sarcastically said.

You smiled and slowly pulled out your cellphone. I couldn’t help but notice what an expensive brand it was. Your slim fingers moved so quickly, typing the password in, and then you handed it to me.

“Your numbers, please?”you said.

“I don’t have a cellphone.” I said. That was MY usual lie. Actually I kept wishing that you wouldn’t notice the phone I had in my pocket, and as I told you that lie, my phone felt heavier and heavier in my pocket.

“No problem.”you smiled at me then gave me your phone. “Take this one. That way you can have a phone, and I get your numbers.”you continued.

There was no way I was going to accept this cellphone. My father was going to kill me, wake me up, then kill me again. So I blushed and slowly confessed that I do have a cellphone, and after a while gave you my numbers. Before you walked away, you gave me a gentle hug and I took in your wonderful scent.

  1. I was inlove. I don’t care how soon it was. I already loved you and your smooth talking ways.