On that night, at the Sosibo residence, candles were lit on, the mother sitting on the blanket, mourning for her son who had been found drowned in the afternoon. She was continuously sobbing while the father had a deep silent pain tormenting his heart.

“Sfiso wanders all day” the father complained about his older son.” It can’t that he haven’t heard about his little brother’s death, yet his still isn’t home.”
While upset of his older son gallivanting, there was a loud knock on the door. His heart almost went rouge when he opened the door to see who stood on his doorstep. His own flesh of blood who was found flowing on the river earlier.  The seven year old was alive and well.

He stood agitated with his mouth open, unsure if it was some sort of a miracle. The moment the mother saw her little boy, she got up from the floor screaming and praising the lord, but soon disappointed when the boy spoke.

“Have you two lost your mind?” He said as he walked inside the house. “Why are you surprised to see me.”

The parents glanced at each other, surprised about something different about their son. His face was blank and had a spooky glare, and his voice talked like a robot, and it sounded as an adult.

“How can this be” said the mother. “We saw you dead this morning. Everybody did.”

“Dead?” said the boy as he sat up straight on the sofa. His eyes not blinking once.”You all must had a horrible dream. You can see for yourselves that I’m alive,” he then glanced at the father and added, “Not dead.”

“Then how would you explain your dead body that we saw this afternoon?” Said the father.

The boy glared at him without any reaction and said, ” I’m just a little boy aren’t I? How can I explain such a terrible incident. You’re getting old,” he turned to the mother. “Both of you.”

The parents glanced at each other again, this time agitated, hardly recognising the boy who sat on their sofa.

“Kodwa uphi uSfiso azobona lomhlola” the father complained about the absent of his older son whilst smashing his palms together.

“You do not worry about Sfiso. He is a grown man. You two should stop treating him like a child. Like me. He will be home tomorrow. Your time is also coming” said the boy.

“Time for what?” The father asked with his eyes wide open.

“It had a been a long day for everyone. Perhaps we should go rest now” said the boy as he stood up and walked to the second room door.

He walked inside and he glanced at the parents, slowly closing the door looking at them with his spooky glare, leaving them both agitated.