It was LO and groups are anticipating getting the dance lesson over with. Mine wasn’t so prepared after all those days of putting together a routine we would follow. Now is the day Nyakallo wanted to tweak the routine!

Then there was Abigail ever the queen of everything wanted to introduce her boring ballet dances or is it gymnastics? I didn’t even know where she got the dance ideas, but it seems they came from white people who have no idea how ridiculous they look when they dance. I stared at the mayhem. Why couldn’t we just stick to the one we memorized already? There was no time for this. Man, I hope Mrs. Thuli doesn’t choose us today.

“Group 6, you guys are next. Come forward please” Mrs. Thuli commanded while taping her notepad impatiently.

We glanced at each other as we decided to go dance.

“Guys are you gonna pick a song or what?” asked Mrs. Thuli.

“Ah just pick any ma’am. They don’t know what they want” the other classmates suggested.

“Yes ma’am,” encouraged others I didn’t even know.

This is so unfair why are members from other classes here to judge us? I thought as I took in the learners that were all huddled around the teacher as if they were dance teachers as well. Tables were pushed backward so the faux stage could be spacious. This is happening now.

The upbeat song by Jason Derulo called wiggle (it goes- you know what to do with that big fat butt, wiggle wiggle) played we barely had time to synchronise everyone was doing what they remember of the dance and so far, learners aren’t groaning. I guess we aren’t that bad after all. Our bodies moved about like we were puppet dolls unsure of the next step, but we still danced.

“Bang” our feet landed at once and dust flew past their neutral faces. We held it down, I breathed in relief.

We move forward to let the other group deal with this nerve-wracking task of performing in front of strangers and Mrs. Thuli.

Mrs. Thuli opened her mouth to say, “uh, uh ladies your time isn’t up yet. Do a freestyle to complete the dance.”

Oh no!

My chance came and everyone looked at me impatiently, pressing on.