Xavier’s POV
I walked back into the hallway but a huge smile on my face, but I felt a little worried that she would run away and not accept me.

I was so deep in thought that I didn’t hear Jeffrey call out my name.

“Hey man, are you deaf or something?”
I let out a frustrating sigh.

“Hey, sorry didn’t hear you there bud”

“Do you need to get laid or something? I mean you look frustrated. I’m sure I saw you smiling a few seconds ago”

“Yeah I am, I’m extremely nervous and scared.”
I sit down on one of the benches and Jeffrey sits down next to me.

“What’s up?, does this have something to do with that human?”

“She’s my mate Jeffrey”
He looked shocked, I could tell that he had no words to say.

” that’s extremely rare, you know that right? To find a human mate, I don’t know if it’s good or bad”

“I accidentally said ‘mate’ out loud. Now she wants to know what that means and why i called her that?”
Jeffrey let’s out a low whistle.

“And what did you say?”

“I just told her that I’d showed her”

“Show her what exactly?”

” who I really am”

Austria’s POV
When I got home, I found the house quiet and empty as usual. I was right once again, my parents aren’t at home, and I expected it.

I quickly showed since xavier will be here in 10 minutes. I have no idea what he will show me, truth be told, I’m extremely nervous.

I walked to my wardrobe and quickly picked out a simple outfit since he said that I should wear something simple.

Ding Dong
I just finished dressing when I heard the door bell ring. I quickly hopped up and ran to the door, I peeped through the hole and saw a familiar face.

I opened the door and greeted Xavier with my award winning smile.

“Hey, I thought for a second that you weren’t coming”
He chuckled softly

“Why wouldn’t I come? , I’m the one inviting you after all”
I locked the door and made my way to his car, he opened the passenger door and closed it when I got in. Hmmmm what a gentlemen he is.
After a quick small talk, we drove and ended up in a clearing. The clearing was surrounded by trees, and this was something that you only see in fantasy movies. Or at least that’s what I thought.

I turned around around and see Xavier watching me admire the forest around us. Wait, did I see love and admiration in his eyes? God my mind is playing games with me right now.

“So what did you want to show me?”
He smiled quickly faded and was replaced with an expression of fear. He didn’t need to tell me, but he was definitely scared of something.

“If I show you, promise me you won’t run away”
I was shocked at what I heard. Run away? , why would I run away?, what was Xavier talking about?

“Run away? , why would I run?”
He looked away for a minute then he looked back at me. He slowly stood up and took slow walks towards me with his hands in his Jean pockets.

“I don’t want you to be scared”
He said when he stood in front of me.

“Promise me you won’t run, please, just promise me”
I hesitated for a moment, feeling slightly nervous and scared, but I nodded anyway.

“I wanna hear you say it, Austria”

“I promise, I promise I won’t run away Xavier”

Xavier’s POV
She promised that she wouldn’t run away, but it sounded so uncertain.

I admit that I’m a bit hesitant, yet I’m excited to show her who I really am.

She turns around and walks towards a huge stone, and sits on it. She sits and she patiently watches me, waiting for me.

“Do you believe In vampires?”
I looked at her and she had a shocked look on her face.

“No, why? ,wait why would you ask me about vampires?”

” would you believe me if I told you that I am one?”
She looked at me with wide eyes, she looked at me as if I was crazy.

“Unless you had fake vampire fangs, then maybe”
She said with a laugh. I couldn’t help but laugh back, but then I became serious.

“I mean it, would you?”

“Nope, I wouldn’t”

“What if I showed you?”
I walked over to her and squatted in front of her.

“You promised you wouldn’t run away”
I opened my mouth and allowed my fangs to extract from my mouth, at this point, I knew my eyes turned a blood red colour.

I watched as Austria eyes widened with fear, she looked pale.

I then took my fangs back into my mouth and took a step back. She stared at me and said nothing. I sat down in front of her with crossed legs.

“Now, to answer your question, a mate is your other half, the person that you’re meant to be with for the rest of your life. Just like you see in werewolf films. For example an alpha and a Luna.”
I paused to see her reaction and she still stared at me, but she wasn’t frightened anymore.

“And you Austria….you’re My mate” 
I couldn’t help myself, I leaned forward and I kissed her, just when I thought she wasn’t going to kiss me back, she did.