Austria’s POV
As I’m driving behind my parents, I can still feel the anger that I have for them. Since the argument earlier,they have been silent and I have been avoiding them.

Yeah something’s definitely wrong, I can feel it. Well I meant what I said earlier, they aren’t allowed to speak to me until they are ready enough to tell me the truth. To make things worst, tomorrow I’m starting school,urggh another miserable life. Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the life of Austria Wilkinson.

I really don’t know what to expect when I arrive at Lancashire later tonight. All I can expect is for my parents to disappear again and leave me to rearrange the entire house. That’s what I’ve been doing for the past 7 years, since we started moving.

I’m starting to wonder, why do we move every year. Is my dad running from someone? If he is, then who is running from?

The only time you keep moving is either because the job you have places you in a different location every year or you are running from someone.

I had no one to talk to because the only friend I’ve ever had, is now dead. She actually used to live in Lancashire, if she was alive today, she would have been extremely excited to have me move here.

Kimberley had been found dead in a alley way. Apparently all her blood has been sucked dry, leaving only skin, meat and bones. The police said that she was pale.

In romance novels and tv shows, as far as I know, only vampires could do that. You know, suck people dry and leave them there to die,suffering. I don’t believe in any of that, those are all myths to me. Sure I love vampires, they look hella sexy to me and all, but that’s only in the movies.

My mind constantly wonders off to my parents.

“Mom,dad, what are you hiding?”

***5 hours later***
We have finally arrived at the house, and can I just say, it is beautiful. Well, not like I’ve said that to every house that we move to every year. I quickly get back to work with removing the boxes in my car and making my way to my room.

When I had retrieved all of my belongings, I unpacked my things and gave my room a nice touch. The room looked plain at first, but with a little rearranging here and there, I finally got the look I wanted. I knew however, it’s just for now and we will move again.

I hopped into the shower and layed on my bed,not realising that I fell into a deep sleep.