After our emotional night last night, I couldn’t help but feel even more emotional. Our kids aren’t those little beans they were before.

They are all grown up now. I was wide awake, cause I couldn’t sleep any further. Checking the time, I saw that it was only 06:00 A.M. Xavier and the kids were still asleep.

I stood up, and put on my black silk gown. I put on on my morning slippers and I make my way downstairs. I went to the kitchen and made myself a warm cup of coffee.

Once I was done with that, I made my way to the balcony. I just sat there and stared off into the distance, thinking about my life. I was thinking about all the things that I went through.

Just thinking about my life, I realized that I was stronger than I think I am. I’ve been through so much at such a young age. I mean come on, you’d think a teenager is supposed to live an enjoyable life.

A teenager is not supposed to be fighting other supernatural beings. I most definitely thought that I was a normal teenager.

A hand on my shoulder takes me out of my deep thoughts. I turned around and saw my husband. I instantly calmed down. I really thought for a second that I was being kidnapped.

“Hey! , you’re awake. Why are you up so early?”

He laughs as he takes a seat next to me.

“Check the time my love.”

I checked the time,and saw that it was 07:30.

“Oh.” Is all I said.

He laughs and takes a sip of his juice.

“What were you thinking about that made you forget what time it is? And what time did you wake up by the way? I woke up with your side of the bed empty.”

“I couldn’t sleep anymore, when I woke up it was 06:00 A.M.”

“Why couldn’t you sleep? Nightmares?”

I sighed heavily. This whole situation was so emotional to me. Now I know how our parents felt when they first found out about our pregnancy.

“I was thinking about our kids. You know, how fast they grew up.”

“I know sweetheart, I know. It’s hard for both of us to let go of them. After all, I was so used to wiping their butts and bathing them. When they started doing things on their own, it was so damn hard.”

A year rolled down my cheek, which he saw. He took his thumb and wiped it away.

“Remember when they started to walk on their own?”

We both started laughing.


I put the kids on the ground, so they could play with their toys. Xavier was busy reading the newspaper, I went to the kitchen to continue making the triplets something to eat.

I turned my back for one second, and when I turned around I saw Sarah and Marcel standing on two legs. They were holding on tight to the sofa. I placed my hand on my hip, as they just stared at me.

“And how did you two get there so fast?”

They just laughed at me, as Kiara kept her eyes glued to the food on the counter. Xavier lowers his newspaper, looks at them then laughs.

After we fed them, we put them on the floor again. We turned around to wash the dishes, then when we were done we saw them stand on their own again. They all just giggled when I looked at them.

Little rascals.

“Okay that’s it, it’s nap time. You three are driving me insane.”


Sarah says as I reached out to her.

“Come to me my little jelly bean.”

I said as she cooed in my arms. Xavier took Kiara and Marcel.

***End of Flashback***

“Man, those were the good old days huh?”

I laughed as I thought about them as babies.

“Yeah, it’s feels so good to know that we raised our kids right.”

“I will miss them if they have to leave us.”

I started to cry as I felt two pairs of arms hug me right. I looked up and saw that our girls were awake.

“Mom, don’t cry. We will always be here for you and dad.”