I went up to our bedroom to fetch my purse, as I will be sending one of my men to the shops. When I entered, I smelled the horrible smell of vomit.
I entered the bathroom and saw Xavier on his knees, he had his head in the toilet. I quickly rushed over to him, to make sure that he was okay.
“My Love, are you okay?”
“Yes, I’m fine.”
He attempts to stand up, but falls back down on his knees. He puts his head in the toilet pot and vomits again.
He grabs a tissue and wipes his mouth.
“I’m okay. Must be something I ate earlier today.”
Believing him, I kissed him on the cheek and went to retrieve my purse.
After a while, Xavier came down and joined us for dinner. I feel like a he is hiding something from me, but I have no idea what it is. However, I do know for sure, that whatever it is won’t be good.
Xavier looks pale, and he has lost a good amount of weight. Is it because of his age? As far as I remember, he was chubby.
“Dad, guess what?”
Sarah tells him. There’s this sparkle of happiness in her eyes. It’s just something that I can’t explain.
“Yes sweetie, what’s wrong?”
“I met my mate” She says shyly.
This made me choke on the juice that I was drinking. This was something that I was not expecting tonight.
I’m not going to lie, she shocked all of us. When she noticed the silence, she looked heartbroken.
“Why is everyone so quiet? Aren’t you happy for me?”
She asked with tears threatening to fall. She gets up, but I use my vampire speed to stop her just in time.
“No, we are happy for you sweetie. It’s just….”
“Just what mom?”
I sigh, pulling her in for a hug. Xavier gets up and joins in as well.
“We just can’t believe that you guys are growing up so fast.”
I tell her with tears in my eyes.
“We didn’t mean to make you cry sweetheart. We’re so sorry.”
“It’s just an emotional time for us. You know? Meeting your mate and all. It’s a huge step.”
I say wiping her tears away. Soon we both ended up crying.
“It’s okay mom. It’s okay.”
“Hey don’t forget about me! Can I join too?”
Kiara shouts from the dinner table. We laugh as she runs over to us as we all hug Sarah.
“Mommy and daddy loves you two so much.”