Time went by Dipuo was fine and she made peace with the fact that she doesn’t have a father. Years passed and things became easier. Mrs Smith was helping them with some groceries. While MmaDipuo’s salary was enough to cover all their basic needs. Dipuo attended school and she passed with flying colours. After a year she was doing her matric . It was tough year but she survived , the sleepless nights , studying hard all this and her efforts payed . She passed her matric and her marks were good that she was able to apply for bursary .She did a 4 years course( Business administration ). Things were fine until her mom started feeling unusual tenderness and pain on her breasts. MmaDipuo decided to keep this a secret because she didn’t want to stress Dipuo as she was doing her third year at college. One day at night the pain was unbearable. She felt sharp pain on her breasts that she couldn’t hold herself. Dipuo heard that her mom was awake and she woke up too.

“What’s wrong mama?” Dipuo asked panicking”

“My child I have a sharp pain on my chest nothing much , but I will be okay Nana I promise” Dipuo gave her mom some painkillers.

“You need to go visit a doctor mama” said Dipuo.

“I will my baby” she said faking a smile.The next day MmaDipuo decided to go to the clinic. The doctor ran some few tests and came back with her results.

“I am sorry mam but the results are more than what we thought it was. Your results shows that you have breast cancer stage 4” MmaDipuo took her medicine and went home on her way back she was deep in her thoughts. It felt like it was the end of the world. When she arrived home , again she acted like nothing was wrong.

“What did the doctor say mama” Dipuo asked.

“The doctor said it’s just a pain baby and he prescribed me painkillers” she said

“Oh , just a pain “She responded as if she was suspecting that something was going on. Her mom stopped taking her medicine she was hopeless the pain was now worse until she fell sick. Dipuo called an ambulance. They quickly made their way to the hospital. They took almost 3 hours in theatre room. Finally one of the doctors came.

“Doctor , how’s my Mom doing?” Asked Dipuo.

“I can’t say she’s okay but for now she is stable. Your mom is suffering from breast cancer stage 4” Dipuo was left shocked. She ran to her mom’s ward.

“How are you mama?” she said to her mom. MmaDipuo didn’t respond she just looked at her with a sad face.

Sighs “ngwanaka (my child) I never thought my journey would come to an end so fast. I thought I would be there to see you graduate and achieving all your dreams and goals. I made a promise to you that through any step you come across I’ll always be there for you, my child Allow me to break my promise” MmaDipuo said to Dipuo. “Mama please stop please” she said in tears.

“Shhhhhh, I’m not done yet. Please take care of Lebohang and Lesedi for me. Never ever abandon them. i will always thank god for giving me the opportunity of calling myself a mother. I love you Nana. She said slowly closing her eyes and a tear rolling down her cheek.

“No no no mama don’t do this to me , mama? Nurse, nurse, doctor” Dipuo called for help. The doctors and nurses ran to the ward but it was to late. It was over.

” Time of death 20:46 pm. We are so sorry mam we tried everything we could but your mom didn’t make it” The doctor said. Dipuo fainted.