Once upon a time they was a beautiful girl named Noluthando she lived with her mother.Noluthando from a very poor family ,her mother tried by all means that Noluthando get’s a better future .
She liked to spell words,quiz and chess game.she loved to enter school competition but she couldn’t go through because she didn’t have a neat school uniform .
One day Noluthando was late for school on her way to school she ran into a sick lady who asked for Noluthando ‘s help , without hesitation Noluthando helped that sick lady .
The lady said to her “why are you wearing dirty school uniform”Noluthando said to her “I come from a poor family my mother doesn’t have a money to buy me a new school uniform”.The lady said to her when you come home after school pass by my home first.
When Noluthando arrived at school she was already 2hours late .They took her to the principal ‘s office for late coming.The principal was even surprised that Noluthando arrived late for school,the principal asked Noluthando why she arrived late Noluthando said “I could let an old lady die on the road while I’m looking at her “the principal looked at Noluthando and smiled and she said “I’m proud of you “. Noluthando was even surprised that the principal said that .