

It has been a a few days since I last saw that guy, I didn’t even get his name, and I could not stop thinking about the night he had given me.

At night, he was all I could think about while I was pleasuring myself.

It was supposed to be a one night thing, but it ended up with me fantasising about him, who even said that it was a good idea for me to go with him to his place.

I clicked on the computer furiously as I tried to push the thoughts of that night away from my mind, but it was hard.

When last did someone fucked me and not made sweet love to me like I was fragile to be bent over and be treated like a whore in the bedroom.

My cheeks flushed as I thought about his hot tongue on my… “Sorry.” I looked up at the person in front of me and searched for the book he wanted on the computer and directed him in that direction.

“How was it?” Zandi asked the day after our night , as I had met up with her for lunch.

“It was amazing.” I said, blushing a little bit.

“See, I told you that you need to get laid.” she said while eating her kota. I wanted to tell her about what had happened and how he pleasured me, but I couldn’t, it was my moment and I didn’t want to share it with anyone just yet.

I thought that by now I would have been over that guy who managed to make me wet just by just a look only.

I was glad when it was time for me to go to lunch, I welcomed any destruction that came by. I sat outside at the back of the library, I took a bite of my sandwich and sat back on the wooden bench. I was in no position to be thinking about anyone right now, not when my mom is sick and needs a heart transplant. Sometimes I wish that I could take her to a private hospital where there are no waiting lists.

I almost felt guilty for having fun while my mother is sick, I should not be thinking about that guy who by now has probably found himself another girl at the club and pleasured her the way he pleasured me, my stomach churned threatening to let out the sandwich I just ate in just mere seconds.

The thought of him going down on other women just makes me more sick.

I crushed the foil that I had wrapped my sandwich in and stood up, no, I am not going to let myself get drowned by a guy who I just met for one night and might never see again.

I dust off the crumbs as I walk back inside the library, I stop short when I see the guy I never thought I will see again standing there looking handsome like some cover magazine model.

When he turns around, he sees me and his eyes linger on me for a second too long before talking to Samantha, another librarian, as she types on the computer.

“And you can take it with you.” Samantha said as she stood up when she saw me.

“Hi.” I said as I sat down, “Did Samantha help you?”

He lifted the book, “Yeah.”

โ€œOkay.โ€ I said, expecting him to go, but he just stood there looking at me.

He was making me nervous, and I hardly ever get nervous around guys, but having to watch the guy who went down on me and made me experience another world was worth getting nervous over, right?

I wanted the world to crack open and swallow me whole, but the earth did not crack, not even a little, so I was left with nothing but this guyโ€™s eyes on me.

I was embarrassed mostly because what are the chances that the one-night stand guy you thought you would never see again would be standing in front of you mere few feet away only separated by the table. 

I was never supposed to see him again, the night of us together was supposed to end last week, and it should have remained that night in that room, never to be spoken about, like the saying of Las Vegas.

My mind travelled back to that night, Please,Fuck me. It seemed like he was thinking about that night too, his eyes turned dark as he looked at me, mostly at my chest which showed my pointy nipples that had forced themselves from the lacy bra, and they were now showing perfectly. 

I remembered his tongue on my nipples, making me soak my already soaked underwear. How did he do it? How was he able to look at me and make me wet myself like this? 

I wanted him to go, having him here did not help at all, unless you mention my mind going crazy at his sight and my heart skipping several beats a minute. 

It has been a whole week, I should have forgotten all about himby now, right?