
After spending the entire day with Menzi, I decided to visit Zandi’s place. I knew she would be furious that I hadn’t stopped by earlier. As I walked in, Zandi’s eyes widened in surprise, and she let out a delighted squeal before rushing over to embrace me.

“What are you doing here?” she exclaimed, pulling me towards the couch. “Did Andrew do something? Because I swear…”

I couldn’t help but laugh, shaking my head. “No, he’s been nothing but sweet. That’s actually why I’m here,” I replied, crossing my legs.

“I ended things with him.”

“What? Why?” Zandi asked, her face filled with confusion. “I thought you really liked him.”

“I don’t. After seeing Menzi, I realized how much I’ve missed him,” I confessed.

Zandi stared at me, her expression a mix of disbelief and concern. “The same guy who hurt you so badly that you had to move to a different province?”

I sighed, my voice filled with conviction. “Yes, him. I love him, Z. He’s the one for me.”

Zandi looked at me as if I had lost my mind. “Well, I suppose if you truly love him, I can kind of forgive him. But he’s not off the hook.”

“I know,” I said, playfully nudging her shoulder. For the rest of the day, we decided to cook together, preparing a delicious meal, and watched movies, enjoying each other’s company.

“If you ever hurt her like that again, I’ll come after you,” Zandi warned Menzi when he came to pick me up.

Menzi kissed my cheek tenderly. “You don’t have to worry about that. I’ll never be that stupid again.”

We waved goodbye to Zandi and settled into the car. “I really like your friend,” Menzi said, glancing at me with a smile.

I laughed, gazing out at the passing streets. “Yeah, she’s quite something.”

Sitting there by his side felt incredible. It was in that moment, as we drove in comfortable silence, that I realised just how much I had missed him. I watched him intently, his hand resting gently on top of mine, and felt a sense of contentment wash over me.