

The only good news that I have, was that my mother got the heart transplant that she needed with the money my dad got from somewhere. I don’t care much about the details. I am just glad that my mother is recovering well and soon will be going back home.

I placed the last box on another stack of boxes, I can’t really believe that I had moved out from that place. I always wanted to stay somewhere else but with my mother’s condition I couldn’t leave but now that I got another Job at another place far away from Pretoria but the one thing that upped my moving too was because of Menzi it has been a while since I last saw him, and I am just glad because even though I am healing I don’t want to see him ever again.

“You really did it.” Zandi said as she looked at all the pile boxes on the floor, “I am going to miss you.” She says in a teary voice. 

“Mpumalanga is not that far you know, just a little bit of 3 hours is not so bad now is it.”

Zandi helped me pack and when we were done we got into a blanket that we had placed on the floor of my room and continued watching our series of All American on the laptop.

Even though I enjoy Zandi’s company, I can’t help but think about Menzi. It has been a while since I had a good laugh with tears coming from my eyes. I tried really hard to forget about him because it hurt really bad when I saw him with that supermodel girl with their arms linked together. 

It hurt even more that he went to get another girl so fast but most of all I was angry at myself for caring a bit too much about a guy who does not even give two shits about me and I felt more like a fool for hurting when I knew what I got myself into, but I guess my heart did not get that part of not caring about a guy who was never even mine to begin with. 

There were times when I didn’t think about him not even for a second, and the hurt will not be there at least for a little while and I can breathe like my lungs are not closing in and blocking oxygen from coming in, and I would fool myself and into believe that all is okay when in fact it is not, and it never was.

I believe my heart broke into a million pieces over and over again when I had to delete his numbers, it felt like I was dying a slow, painful death. 

That is why I never wanted to get involved with a guy all because I catch feelings fast, I care about a person really fast so that it sometimes clouds my judgement like how it did with Menzi. 

“We need to get you back in the dating game and not that situationship you had with that douchebag.” Zandi says as she stuffed salt and vinegar lays in her mouth.

I rolled my eyes. “No, I don’t need a boyfriend, not right.”

“Oh hell no.” She says as push the Lays away from her and pauses the series and turns to look at me, “Girl, you have been sulking for over 2 months now, it is time for you to move on. You saw him, he moved on in weeks. Weeks!” She clapped her hands as if to make the words enter my mind a little bit faster, “In 2 weeks after you have settled in, I’ll be organising some blind dates for you.”

I looked at her with my eyebrows raised, “Are you in a relationship.” 

“You know me I am not made to be in a relationship but as for you, you need someone, a cute guy who is going to treat you good and not hurt you like that little Satan’s angel.” 

“Fine.” I knew that there was no getting out of this mostly because when Zandi sets her mind to something it is hard to make her change her mind, but I also agreed because she was right, it was time for me to move on and forget about Menzi just like he has forgotten about me.