It has been 3 weeks since I received that text message, and it felt like someone punched me in my gut, leaving me out of breath, and it has been 3 weeks of Zandi fussing over me like I would spiral out of control or do something crazy.
My heart was broken, I am not even sure why. I knew what I was getting myself into when I agreed to be with Menzi it was just sex until that one time I saw how his cheek will form a little crease on top just near his eye whenever he is smiling or that one time I saw the scars on his hand that he tried to so hard to hide.
I even liked that I got to see the real him whenever we were alone fighting over what kind of movie to watch and having to settle for turning red because that’s the one movie I enjoy. I got to see the real him, not the person who has kept his walls up so high that it was difficult for me to climb over them.
I liked everything about him, even though at times he was borderline annoying I still like spending time with him.
Ever since that text I have been a complete zombie and there is Zandi to testify to that. I stayed on my bed every day with a tub of ice cream and dozens of snacks on my bed while watching Turning Red alone.
Zandi became sympathetic for a while until she was not, she was tired of seeing my broken-hearted ass crying over a guy who didn’t even deserve my tears and that is why I am at this house party sitting in a corner because I don’t want to talk to anyone not to mention that I don’t know anyone here besides Zandi who felt obligated to bring me here so that I can stop feeling sorry for myself because I look pathetic, yeah Zandi can be mean sometimes.
It is not even 10 pm, but I am ready to go home and away from the loud music.
And I heard the laughter that I grew to know so well, I froze, and my heart went crazy, thump thump thump.
It can never be, but when I lifted my head I saw him looking as beautiful as ever, and I dragged my eyes to the person beside him and my heart dropped to the floor of my stomach.
He was with someone, and not just anyone, he was with someone who looked like she walked out of a magazine cover.
Bile rose, burning my throat as I looked at them, I probably looked like a creep, but I didn’t care at this point, tears threatened to come out as I ran away before Menzi could spot me to go and look for Zandi and I found her making out when I grabbed her hand.
She would have chewed my head off for cock blocking her, but when she saw my tears she hugged me, “What’s wrong?”
“I want to go home,” Zandi looked around for my source of sadness and when she spotted Menzi with his arm candy, she was about to storm to him when I grabbed her hand and shook my head, “I just want to go home.”
Zandi didn’t argue as she drove me back home.