It has been a long day and all I wanted was to just sit on my couch and relax a bit, maybe watch a movie with a glass of wine, but not when you have a friend like Zandi who likes to party so you end up just never getting that chance to relax.
Zandi and I are a total opposite, she’s loud and outgoing and well I’m shy, and I am not an outgoing person. “Can’t we reschedule?” I asked, placing the library books where they belong.
I liked working at the library. It is basically my dream to be surrounded by so many books, and it is the end of the semester which means we have the whole summer to relax, but not when you have a part-time job.
“No, you always cancel this time, I’m not taking no for an answer.” Zandi said, giving me a stern look, telling me that she really is not going to back down.
“Fine.” I could have argued, but Zandi would have pestered me until I agreed. “Just one drink.”
I watched as her face lit up, “Then we better get going before the special of buy one, get one free ends.”
I quickly took my bag and hurried to the door and quickly locked it.
We could have gone with the taxi, but I decided against it, the club was a few blocks away and I could use with some fresh air.
“You need to loosen up a little bit. ” Zandi said as she pushed one of her braids away from her face. “It’s holidays and all you plan to do is work.”
I needed the money, my mother is sick even though my dad did a couple of jobs it was never enough so if it meant having to work and not have fun so be it.
Zandi gave me a concerned look, “When was the last time you even had a boyfriend?”
This time I rolled my eyes. “I need no boyfriend.”
“Okay, not a boyfriend, you need to get laid.”
Before I could argue, the loud music swallowed us as we walked inside the club. It was not even 8 pm, but the place had loads of people and it reed of alcohol and sweat
“Two shots.” Zandi shouted over the loud music. “Here’s to you getting laid.” Zandi said as she downed the shot and licked the salt on the back of her hand.
I also poured the vodka shot down my throat, and the burn came soon after.
“I’m going to the dance floor.” Zandi said, leaving me alone at the bar, I watched her as she danced to one of the current amapiano hit song.
I sat at the barstool, how I wish I could be back home, and rest my feet on the coffee table.
“Want me to buy you a drink?” a voice beside me asked, I turned to look at the person beside me who looked amazingly beautiful. If I was going to get laid this would be the type of guy I will go to, tall, dark and fucking handsome.
He is the type that doesn’t look at girls like me twice, this is one of those guys that will leave you heartbroken, but you go after them because you can’t resist them.
I shook my head. “I’m good.” and he is the type of guy I need to stay away from.
I always just managed to choose the wrong guys, and this guy right here does not seem like a guy who I would normally go out with.
I stopped myself short, when did I even get to the point of me dating this guy right.
I look anywhere but him, I could not afford to look at him, not when he is making my mind go all mush or has that vodka started working yet?
I looked at the dance floor and found Zandi looking at me all proud like a mother who is proud of her child. I roll my eyes and find the guy still looking at me, I can’t remember the last time a guy made me sweat bullets just by looking at me.
Have I been that lonely that just one look from a guy makes my pulse throb like crazy, but to be honest it has been a while since I was last with a guy in this close perimeters, but it is not like I have given guys much thought lately.
I haven’t had the energy to start another relationship not when Bheki and I had a horrible break up which led me to be single and lose all interest in dating and now well I still did not want to date, but it was hard to look at this guy and no feel anything, my panty starting to get wet making me to squeeze my leg tighter together.
“Are you okay?” The guy asks with a smirk, telling me that he knew exactly what was going on here, probably because he is a psychic, or he has spent most of his time changing girls like underwear from when he was a teen.
And I am thinking it is probably the latter, the guy looks handsome, and I am pretty sure girls throw themselves at him all day every day.
“I’m good.” I said a little breathlessly than I would have liked to have sound as I dug my nail into my skin hoping that the throbbing between my legs would stop.
But it didn’t happen, not even when I tried to ignore the guy in front of me, I went to the bathroom and poured water on my face. Thank God I don’t wear any makeup, or it would have melted by now.
“Get yourself together, girl.” I said to myself in the mirror. I didn’t even recognise myself right now, I am not one to get all gaga on guys like I am some love struck teenager who just came into puberty.
“This is not you.” I said one last time at the mirror and took a deep breath as I put on my lip gloss and got out of the bathroom, a little bit motivated that I will not act like a fool in front of the guy that I should be walking away from.
I found him still at the same spot that I left him at, as I sat down.