
At dawn with mist covering the city of Doomsdale there is a scream heard from the house of McKenzie where Victoria McKenzie a ghoul pregnant with a half ghoul with the father to be Damon McKenzie a vampire standing aside his wife.


The house is a large imposing mansion,that’s deserving as Damon is a sweet factory owner specialising in making flesh and blood beyond sweet in taste.


Victoria’s scream’s echo all throughout the city of Doomsdale with the citizens in distress because no woman had made those sounds since time immemorial.


Sofie an established midwife handling the delivery pulls her assistants to her side to discuss this event.


“Everytime when ghouls and vampires copulate the child is either a vampire or a ghoul but with this much screaming the child must be beyond”stated Sofie.


“If it is as you predict I must leave and announce this to the demon lord’s apprentice because this might come back to haunt us if we do not report it.”stated Silvia an assistant midwife to Sofie.


The expressions of both midwives were justified because every time in their written history hybrids were nothing but danger a living ticking bomb who can kill even their family,now with a hybrid on the way the matter was frightening.


“Ahhhhhh!”screamed Victoria as she pushes with her husband holding her hand tightly.”DON’T LET ME DIE DAMON!”she yelled.


“You’re not going to die in fact you’ll give birth to a healthy baby who will inherit everything we own.”Damon stated as he tried to calm down Victoria.


“Mam you need to push for the last time,the baby is almost out!”Sofie stated as she wiped sweat dripping from her forehead.


Victoria pushed harder than she had ever pushed as she pushed even harder a cry is heard with Sofie holding the baby announcing his/her birth.


“Congratulations! Mrs McKenzie for you have given birth to a healthy baby boy.”stated Sofie as she became a little restless as she gave the baby boy to his mother.


“Damon! look at him it’s a boy,he looks strikingly like you but those eyes are mine.'”stated a high spirited Victoria who kissed the baby’s little forehead.


The baby was presumably a normal baby boy with brown eyes,light brown skin tone,short rounded ears.That was not until the baby released another cry which was beyond a beast’s roar as the eyes of the baby turned blood red with his size doubling and skin turning dark brown with little fur appearing.


The midwives and other helpers ran outside as the McKenzie’s were left in shock but within this event Damon realized that the situation was much worse as the midwives might tell the demon lord’s apprentice who might himself kill the baby along with them.


Just at the dawn of midnight Damon woke up Victoria with the sleeping baby as he said”The midwives might be nearing the demon lord’s apprentice’s palace and if they do we are at risk to be killed along with our bundle of joy”


“Why would our baby be killed?”stated a disheartened and vexed Victoria as she got up from the 8 feet wide bed.


“Victoria do you think our child is normal? If you think so you are so oblivious of this matter because our child is a hybrid of our species and with that the myths of half ghouls and half vampires will again erupt and for sure the demon lord’s apprentice will strike”stated Damon as he took his wife and baby.


Victoria and Damon McKenzie along with their unnamed baby fled Twilight to another part of Forbidden dimension called Daystar which was a land filled with beauty,intrigue,danger and great variety of creatures this land was not like Twilight as no one needed to feed on one another because there were large numbers of cattle,sheep,goats,chicken,ducks etc.


Victoria being a ghoul needed flesh to feed and Damon being a vampire needed blood to feed but the inhabitants of Daystar saw through this and made a deal where Victoria and Damon where to work their way to feed on the livestock.


One day between night and evening in the hours of a twilight zone Damon and Victoria are within their newly purchased cottage.


“Victoria”stated Damon calling upon Victoria waiting for a reply as he sat on the sofa of their new cottage.


“What is it moonpie?”asked a curious Victoria who breastfed the baby boy.


“We haven’t named our kid as of yet what name do you propose?”stated Damon.


“A name huh? I remember it being Prometheus if it was a boy and Hera if it was a girl”said a smiling Victoria showing off her cute vibrant face.


“Prometheus it is then.”said Damon as he took his son raising him shoulder reach.


“I do hope my son becomes more than a titan,I want him to be the ultimate being of all.”stated Damon as he monologued within his thoughts.




Chapter 1:Untold Power

The McKenzie family found footing in this new world with Damon finding a job at the candy factory only this time it was real candy and sweets being made.Victoria found a living by being a assistant magician in which was a job that was given to her by her neighbor Mrs Smithson who is a wizard and a dwarf.


This was all too normal within this world as there were orcs,wizards,goblins,dwarves,witches,giants and all other intriguing creatures.


Within a span of time days became weeks,weeks became months and months became years to be specific 10 years passed since their arrival.Prometheus was now a ten year old boy with a middleweight body and long black hair who had a very good life and upbringing but was rather not normal to this world.


At morning with the morning sun gazing upon the town of Emerald, Prometheus the son of Damon is playing with his friend Zane who is a rather middleweight orc boy at the park with no one else in sight as it was too early to play for other kids as they are playing Zane suddenly loses control while on the slide as he mistakenly pushes Prometheus from the 18 feet slide.


As this seem wrong and out of hand Prometheus who’s falling from the 18 feet slide unconsciously mumbles”Cadrabra”

as he stops midair safely reaching the ground unharmed.


Zane quickly runs to Prometheus to see if there was any harm to him but as he reaches him he sees no bruise,blood or any sign of falling from a 18 feet slide.Zane then realizes that Prometheus is unconscious as he runs to his home to call his father Grana a muscle built orc.


“Father!”stated a distressed Zane as he ran to his father’s garage at home


“What is it son?”stated Grana as he went down a knee to meet his distressed son


“I…t’s Pr…Pr…Prometheus,he fell down the slide right from the top”


“Oh boy which slide!”stated Grana as he got up looking at his son who is trying by all means to avoid eye contact”Don’t tell me it’s the longest one!”shouted Grana as he ran to the park.


Upon arrival Grana sees Prometheus levitating from the ground as great royal blue aura surrounds him.Grana being a orc sees the danger of having Prometheus do this so in response Grana uses incredible speed and sheer power to blitz Prometheus knocking him out cold.


Grana takes Prometheus to his home as he tries to tell the McKenzies what happened but in response Victoria fails to understand as she thinks Grana might have punished Prometheus for winning in a sparring match against Zane or for some other event.


“I’m telling you! upon arrival I saw your boy levitating from the ground as blue aura surrounded him it seems like he was unconscious but in attack position which led me to knock him out before a real battle broke up”said Grana trying to make the McKenzies believe him.


“My son wouldn’t do that! never in a million years!”shouted Victoria trying to see her son as a calm young fellow.


In the midst Mrs Smithson barges in the home of the McKenzie family as she ran to Prometheus.Upon seeing the state of Prometheus Mrs Smithson tells Victoria to stay quiet along with Grana as she tells the issue with Prometheus.


“Victoria”said Mrs Smithson as she gazed at Prometheus


“Look at him Janet he is beyond injured and he just won’t get up or even open his eyes for that matter”said a distressed Victoria


“No he isn’t Victoria,Prometheus is not even grazed only his skin has shown being injured.”stated Mrs Smithson as closed her eyes touching Prometheus’s head”Prometheus is just suffering from the inexperience of magic and the sheer power of being a half breed”


“What do you suggest Mrs Smithson?”stated Damon with a calm voice while asking”But how does he possess magical abilities?”


“Vampires and ghouls have been perceived as sheer strength beast with no other abilities but no that’s not the truth long before their power was lost they had beyond amazing magical abilities from casting spells to controlling gravity”replied Mrs Smithson as she suggested a better option”Well I know of a school a very very good school for those with magical abilities and attributes and they also train individuals to compose their power”


“Yeah that school is not very far from Emerald and the co principals are one of the strongest people within our world making the school safe and even better my wife is a vice principal there meaning your son will be in good hands”suggested Grana.


“Well it’s settled we can’t have your son losing his cool right?”stated Mrs Smithson


As they were discussing the matter far from Daystar back at Twilight the demon lord’s apprentice Bron and his right hand man Ben a werewolf were discussing the power surge.


“Sire the power surge seems to have disturbed you…”stated Ben in his human form.


“It has disturbed me and the thought that the power surge nearly went to my power level is agitating”stated a vexed Bron.


“Sire your power level hasn’t surfaced to its limits meaning that power surge might be nothing compared to your might”said Ben as he kneeled to please his superordinate


“That doesn’t make me less worried but I’ll have to settle with that prediction and it’s conclusion”stated Bron as he made his way out to his room.


As Bron left the sight of Ben,Ben was left monologuing”That power has to be only that half breed and to please my master I need to have that spawn erased”stated Ben as he signaled beasts to come to his presence.


“Now werewolves,vampires and ghouls I order you to go and see to it that the son of Damon McKenzie and Victoria McKenzie is killed,I believe being tactical is the solution so please be tactical.Scram!”ordered Ben as the men went out to the land of Daystar.


Now back at Daystar now days later after the event of Prometheus’s power surge.Prometheus is now at his new school ready for his new chapter.


(This is a teaser for my upcoming book which will be a novella.I haven’t edited the book as of yet,but I’ll do so when I finish.

