At the hospital(In the morning)
The whole family crew was admitted at the local hospital. Tiny was shocked and trying to find out what happened. She thought of her friend. She think she’s the one who poisoned everyone. But on what motive? She stood there wondering. Kabelo and Lebo were outside and Lebo was so scared she managed to poison them. No matter how much she wanted to do this, she still didn’t want blood on her hands. She was shaking and Kabelo was trying by all means to calm her down. He took her to a nearby liquor store and bought her a drink. Something that will help with the nerves and panicking. Tiny was called buy a doctor to where Aggie was. Aggie wanted to see her. Doctor explained that Aggie will be discharged today because the poison they found in her system is not as strong as the one the other family members consumed. They also found lot of alcohol. They told her to be careful nextime. Tiny grabbed a chair next to Aggie’s bed. “Why did you do it? Why? Isn’t it sad enough that I lost my husband? Now you wanna wipe all my family” she said with tears rolling on her cheeks.
“I’m sorry friend. It wasn’t me. I wanted to but believe me, it wasn’t me. I.. I.. I.. Just wanted your family to be more apart. Not that I wanted to kill them. Believe me friend, I did all this because I have no one. My family don’t get along. Atleast yours can meet at gatherings like that once in a while. Mine nex.. I don’t even know if they are still alive”. She cried so loudly you’d swear someone is taking her tooth out.
Tiny comforted her. She told her she’s gonna be just fine. But she knew deep down that this isn’t the first time she tried this trick and failed. She still hasn’t forgot what harm and pain she once caused her. She couldn’t resist Aggie’s crying so she went out.
Few minutes later
Kabelo and Lebo returned to the hospital. They found Tiny seated on one of the benches near the receptionist. They asked how’s everyone. Lebo wanted them to be okay. She wanted them to be alive. As much as she wanted to avenge her father’s death, she didn’t want blood on her hands. The doctor came and updated them. Lebo was so relieved to learn that nobody has died, which was a good sign. Kabelo gave Lebo a look and went: “Lebza I think you should tell your mom what you and Aggie did. That your plan failed and you never meant for any of this to happen”.
Lebo stood up and was about to shout at Kabelo when she heard her mom groaning and mumbling at her disbelief. “Mom please, it is not what you’re thinking. I wasn’t really trying to kill….” Lebo suddenly had a nerve to speak but Kabelo interrupted her.
“I helped her. Actually I’m the one who came up with this plan. The only person you should blame is me. I shouldn’t have encouraged her to do it. Please ma, forgive me” Kabei said.
“So you were scheming with that witch??” Tiny looked at Lebo, she looked at Kabelo then she shaked her head in disbelief.
“Mom, I’m sorry. I wanted to do right by my dad. I wasn’t thinking straight. I was hurt and I had to do something. Please forgive me, it will never happen again” Lebo said.
“I poisoned your food and ate the very same food that was meant for you. I poisoned myself. I was drunk and I I…” Aggie came from the passage with a bag in her hand.
“Where do you think you’re going”? ” Tiny asked Aggie.
” I’ve discharged myself. I’m way stronger than you think”. She winked at Lebo and Kabelo.
After confessions, Tiny decided to forgive the young ones and sweared she’ll never ever do GATHERINGS. The only time she will meet with her family is on funerals. Yes funerals only. Aggie is officially out of Tiny’s life, for good. Lebo and Kabelo are still best friends. Bra T and Tiny’s friendship might turn to something more.