I was woken up by a gentle shake , I knew when the scent hit my nostril , that it was Ntombikayise.

Yise : wake up , sleepy head . ( She said softly) .

I sit up straight with my bum . She gave me a tray of food , it was a bowl of oatmeal , orange juice, toast bread , bacon and eggs .

Her cologne just filled the bedroom and my nostrils , she looked like she was ready to go . I gave her a questionly look .

Yise : what ?

Me : what time is it ?

She looked at her phone then looked at me .

Yise : seven o’clock , why ?

Me : why you up so early ? At seven Yise … Are you going somewhere ?

Yise : I have a class at 08:00 so yeah I have no choice but to wake up early .

Me : ok

We talked for like 15 minutes but this girl wants to go already , I mean is still early .

Yise : let me love and leave baby .

She got close to me , putted the tray aside , but I’m still eating mara this girl . She straddle on my lap and our lips met , we kissed a long passionate kiss until I broke the kiss .

Me : school remember ..

Her eyes were half closed , I know she wanted more and it was a cute sight to see . Couldn’t help but to laugh .

Me : Yise school remember

Yise : Yeah neh , let me leave

She got off me , took her bags , perked my lips and left . I continued eating , one thing about me is no food should go to waste no , what can we say I’m a foodie .

I took my phone , I logged in social media , the was nothing interesting so I logged out . I finished eating , putted the dishes in the sink and washed it .

I cleaned the house and made my bed , I went to shower , I dried myself , lotioned my body and wore my boyfriend jean , cardi b oversized t-shirt , putted my all star sneaker .

Brushed my cornrow nicely , wore my goldnecklace that is written my name . God I love this necklace , it’s my favourite . I sprayed myself with my cologne .

I sat on the couch , watched TV and putted my phone on an alarm of eleven o’clock .I have a class on 12 , I bet Yise will come at 14 :00 , I watched TV till I dozed off


I was woken by my alarm , I dismiss it . I yawned , sketched myself and switch off the TV . I made myself a light salad , I dish it in a bowl , sat on the barstool and ate while strolling in social media .

I look at my wrist watch , it’s half past eleven . I putted the bowl in the sink , took my bag and left . Well , my apartment is not farther away from the university .

However , Ntombikayise and I are roommates and you might think that we are dating but we are not , she is my vibing girl that’s all and we are not fuck buddies . We don’t do that , we just kiss .

Luckily , I was in time when my class started and after that I attended all my classes till maybe 16:00 . I was tired as fuck , I went straight home .

I got in the apartment , I looked for Yise but she is not here . I think she is clubbing , she would have left a note or something or a message just to inform me that she won’t be home , arrggh marnn this girl .

I started cooking , chopped the veggies and all . I’m cooking beef stew . After 15 or more minutes I was done cooking . I dished up for myself and that groovist mxm , I putted her food in the microwave . I ate , read my book till I got sleepy.

I went to the bedroom , threw myself on the bed and got under the covers and that was black out for me and I went to la la land .

I can’t worry about Yise , she is an adult now , she can take care of herself . After few hours or so , I was woken by noise . Well , I guess my groovist is back home . I walked to the kitchen , I saw her saying goodbye to whoever is that and doing air kisses .

She closed the door and met my eyes , she locked the door because she knows I always shout at her about it . “Baby you awake , I miss you ” she said , coming close for a hug , her mouth smell of alcohol and weed , I missed fun waitsi .

” Yeah , you woke me that’s why I’m up ” I said , she broke the hug and went to the microwave , she knows I always dish up for her , she missed my food not me nx.

” I’m hungry ” she said opening the microwave , took her plate of food and closed microwave door . She started to drink up the food , sitting on the barstool .

I sat on the sofa , strolling on my phone . She finished up , putted her dish in the sink and disappeared in the passage . I’m guessing she is going to sleep . I joined her and dozed off .