After falling asleep, and waking up and sleeping again, while hearing my wife’s screams, insults and her screaming;
“Oh I hate you Phila for putting this baby inside me! No, no I love you Phila..thank you for giving me a child again.” She kept yelling.
She finally gave birth to a fragile baby boy. The little boy was the perfect weight, and he was lighter in complexion. The baby’s screams dominated the ward, as Petunia and the doctor both yelled
“Its a boy!”
“He’s finally out!”
I sighed heavily and smiled gently to myself, I was a father again, as I went closer to the doctors so I could hold him one nurse started saying,
I was in shock! Push? What do they mean? The baby is out, what more does she need to push again?
“Push what?” Petunia cried.
“There’s another one. I think we got twins” the nurse quickly said.
“No! It can’t be!” Petunia screamed, slamming her legs together.
“You need to let it out. You’ll hurt it.” Th nurse warned.
Petunia drew in a deep breathe before pushing, this time it only took one Push and a baby came out of her tired body.
“Its a girl!” The nurse proudly said, taking the baby in her arms.
Petunia laid back on the bed, sweat dripping on her forehead. She laughed as the nurses placed the twins on her chest, she closed her eyes and whispered,
“I have been waiting to meet you guys.”