Amys pov

Im now nearly 9 months pregnant. Dae-jung rubs my huge baby bump as we lay on his bed. Later that night I fell into a deep sleep.

Suddenly I feel wetness between my legs.

“Dae-jung dae-jung oh god I think my water broke” I say as I shake him awake.

“Oh fuck okay baby come on let’s get to the car.” He says pulling on his t-shirt and the baby bag.

On our way to the hospital I call my parents and Cassidy they all said they’re on they’re way to the hospital.

At the hospital I was rushed into labour.

dae-jung’s pov

When we got to the hospital they rushed her into labour.

In the delivery room I couldn’t help but cry when I saw my beautiful baby girl.

“How are you feeling baby?” I ask Amy as looks at me.

“Im surprisingly feeling great you?” She says

“Im good because both of you are good” I say before the nurse hands me my daughter.

I felt her heart beat as I kept her tiny body against my chest.