I am just an 18 year old girl who got out of high school last year(2023). My matric year was not the one I had always had in mind. Academically, at first it was like time was flying by, and I was left behind. I don’t know if I making sense but I’m trying to say it started kicking in three months down the line that I was in matric. But it wasn’t too bad, my marks for the whole year have been quite satisfying. I won’t lie, matric for me was a joyful ride dispite the small challenges. Yes there are things that I wish I could have done differently but I’m here now, there’s no turning back, I have learned to forgive myself and stop living with regrets.

Unexpected growth, mhh, I never thought I would grow in such a space of time. April 2023 for me was the most painful, toughest months of my life as I recall. I will never forget the emotional rollercoaster & breakdowns I went through. I didn’t know I was strong until I had to battle my studies and emotional battle while trying to keep sane all at the same time. I have never been one to vent to people but journaling! I promise you if there’s anything troubling your mind or chest, take that pen and paper and pour it all out! You’ll never feel unheard or rejected. Through it all I told myself to be patient, positive, that time does heal and eventually you get better. That’s the beauty of time.

Now when I look back at my life, it really changed for the better, taking things one step at a time, being patient with yourself, praying, and remembering ALWAYS that you can never pour from an empty cup will save you a lot, that has been my motto. Today as I am writing this I am in a gap year because I dropped out of University, I made a choice that I immediately knew I’d regret and wouldn’t cope for even two months and decided to put my mental health first. I am in a very good headspace, emotionally, spiritually & physically thriving is an understatement. Everything is perfect, I haven’t given up on my dreams though but I understand that when the time is right the Lord will make it happen. He has better plans for me and you and His ways can never be understood by any human. That’s what has kept me going and making sure I don’t fall into depression because of comparison. I am still very young, I will achieve my goals one way or another, age really doesn’t bother me at this point. I have been embracing my growth journey and looking forward to every new day.

If there any struggles that you’re going through, in any aspect just remember we are all in this together. You’re never alone my brother and sister, do not let the devil win, we will win, let’s grow weary, let’s keep fighting for the life we deserve. We can give anything but do not give up. I love y’all, it’s never too late to start over, put your mental health first Because your mind is the powerhouse for your whole body, I matter. You matter! Peace out!