
There was nothing as refreshing as seeing my plans coming to life, everything was going according to plan, the club was coming along and there was nothing that made me more happy.

A scream made me more alert a kid not even older than 19 years was pick pocketing a lady. I walked towards the lady’s screams.

“Hey.” I shouted over the screeching scream so that I could be heard. The boy looked up, he was handsome that was one thing I noticed. He looked like he was lost, confused even. “Leave the poor lady alone.”

He looked me up and down like he was judging if I was worth the trouble “And why would I do that exactly?” He asked as his grip loosened a bit against the girl, As if the girl was waiting for this chance she made a run for for it not even looking back.

“Look what you’ve done.”

I shrugged and walked closer towards him “How do you sleep at night knowing that you are scaring people like?”

“I don’t.”

“Why you doing this then?”

He shrugged “What’s it to you?”

“I’m just curious.”

“I want to sleep with something on my stomach.”

“And where are your parents or guardians.”

He looked defeated, his shoulders sank low a look if pain and hurt now replaced that tough facade he had on “Parents are dead, guardians kicked me out.”

I smiled a little “And if I said stop doing this cause I have a better proposition for you what would you say?”

His eyes lit up “Yes, anything at all.”

“What’s your bane first.”


“Well Thabiso my name is Dikeledi, I am building a club not far away from here and I believe I will need someone to help me here and there.”

I took out a card from the back of my pants and handed it to him “Call me. I see a great potential in you Thabiso and I would hate seeing it go to waste.”

He gratefully took the card from me and smiled “Thank you.”

I smiled heading back the direction I came from “Don’t forget ” I shouted and I wad a great distance away “Call me.” It felt nice helping people, I loved that feeling and I hoped it would last.