
My eyes opened only to be met by white walls and a familiar face, I was half hoping it would be Siseko but found Mam Mavis there.

“I’m glad you are awake.” She said with relief on her voice.

I sat up and instantly my hands went on my stomach I also breathed a sigh of relief when I felt movement. Mavis’s eyes followed my hands and looked away.

“Why am I here?” Before Mavis could answer the doctor came in with a smile “I’m glad to see that you are finally awake.” She said coming on the other side “You are here cause of stress, you were under a lot of stress that you even caused your blood to go high which is very dangerous for a pregnant woman and for the baby. I understand you are in University right?”

I nodded, she carried on “I would really suggest that you get some rest but since you are in school I would suggest not allowing yourself not to overwork yourself ok?”

“Of course.”

“Good news is that the baby is perfectly fine we did not get any problems but I would really love to keep you here overnight to see if there won’t be any rising problems, with that I shall leave you, I have another patient waiting.” She offered me a small smile before walking out.

“Why?” Mavis asked when the door closed. Why, was a very valid question yet words caught on my throat “I don’t know, I just wanted a taste of love from a male person.” “Seems like you got the taste of love and way more than what you bargained for ” She said nodding at my stomach.

“You messed up everything Thandi, I really had high hopes with you and you went and disappointed me. No school will allow a student who slept with teachers to get high marks, now how will you find another school with.. this in your record.”

“I’m sorry, I don’t know what happened. I promise that it shall never happen again.”

“It’s too late to feel sorry now, you are expecting a baby now meaning that you have to be prepared for all of the thing that comes with having a baby.”