The thought of going back home was what I dreaded the most. I walked in and found the kitchen already warm and filled with mouth watering aroma.
“You back.” She said as she turned around from the stove “Food will be ready in 5 minutes.”
I walked past her “I’m not hungry.” I walked into my bedroom and quickly got out of my clothes and put on my home clothes. I sat on the bed
I picked up my phone from my bedside and dialed the number “Hey…Yes, you can come I’m home.” The call ended just as quickly as it had started.
I walked back out and found Nokwazi in the dinner table eating her dinner mostly playing with it.
“Someone will visit me in a few minutes.”
She looked up from her plate and nodded “Must I prepare your guest a plate?”
“No.” I said with an authoritative voice and much harsher than I intended “We’ll order.” I turned the heel of my shoe and went into the balcony. I needed fresh air, being around her was enough to make me feel suffocated.
I clasped my hands against the iron bars and took a deep breath, the sun was high up in the sky, with a clear blue sky on a normal day I would have said it was a perfect day but the day was far from perfect but that will all end when my guess arrived.
In the meantime I looked out at the greenery of the landscape as it stretched out for miles, it was peaceful here.
The door bell rang the minute that I placed my plate on the sink. I wipe my wet hands on my flowy dress ad wet ad opened the door. Standing there was a beautiful woman, she was slim, skinny even but she rocked her look. She was wearing a skin tight jean with a crop top and had Brazilian weave, she was the most confident woman I had ever met. “Hi.” Her voice was even more chipper. “I’m here for Trevor.”
The word Trevor threw me back a little bit “Trevor?”
She nods as she flips her hair, she looks past me and her smile broadens “Talk of the devil, here he is.”
I turned around finding Trevor smiling with a glass of whiskey in one hand. “I’m glad you’re here Ntombi.” He welcomed her in and kissed her right on the lips leaving me shocked but mostly heartbroken. After the long kiss they shared right in front of me Trevor looked at me “Ntombi this is Nokwazi my maid, Nokwazi this here is my girlfriend Ntombi.”
My eyes went down on his fingers and indeed there was no ring that even indicated that it was ever there.
“Nice to meet you.” I said despite the pain that I was felt that had cut deeper than anything else but I still offered her a smile and quickly went to the kitchen away from them.
Soon they were out of sight and all I could here was giggles coming from Trevor’s bedroom and soon the screams that came with intimacy came, louder each time.
Wishing that I could erase all if the noise, as the tears welled up on my eyes it was as if with each bang from the headboard was enough to stab my fragile heart.
I walked out from the house and went and sat outside far away from the loud noise.