The place was filled with lots of laughter, the air was filled with excitement. My mother has went all out with decorating this place it had the modern traditional decorations.
The gifts were piling up and people congratulated us for our wedding, some commented that we looked good together, some asked when will we have children. Everything was just exhausting, I wanted to be done with all of this.
“Marriage is not easy my child.” One of my uncles said ” It is filled with lots of obstacles, but it is the most safe space you will be in. Never let anyone come between you guys.” After he was done someone else came to talk, it was like everyone wanted to talked, wanted to say something, it was as if everyone had something to say even those whose marriages have failed not one but twice. the agony of being here was enough but to actually here them say all of this was just too much to bear.
Nokwazi stood too with a big smile on her face she looked at the crowd and cleared her throat, she looked beautiful in her traditional attire, she found a ball gown Zulu traditional dress.
“I wanted to thank everyone for being here, thank you mom and dad for taking care of me and to you my husband.” She beamed with happiness and pride “I promise to love you, to support you through all the life’s challenges. I’ll be your shoulder to cry on, your best friend and a wonderful wife. I don’t know if you want to say anything?”
I shook my head no being here was enough but having to say something was another thing besides that I feared that I will speak what was already on my mind and all of this ceremony will end in just a blink of an eye, she looked at the crowed of people and smiled “I think he is just nervous but from the both us we say thank you everyone for coming here to celebrate this day with us.”
I was glad to be finally back home at my house, even more glad that we were able to slip out early as soon as everyone started drinking.
My eyes were starting to drop from all the tiredness, Nokwazi walked towards me and started unbuttoning my shirt.
“What are you doing?” I asked moving back and away from her “I was just helping you.” I shook my head no as I kicked off my shoes from my feet.
“I… I thought that since we were now married you’ll touch me or at least kiss me. For the past you have not touched me. I thought maybe you were being a gentleman.”
“I will never touch you nor kiss you, I can never do that to you.”
“Do what? I’m your wife I thought maybe tonight we will spend the night together.”
I sighed “That’s the thing, you are not my wife. You are my parents wife, I never took out money for lobola I never done such thing they did all of this out if their volition.”
“I..” She stopped as if something was stuck on her throat.
“I don’t love you, I just agreed to marry you so that my family would stop treating me like an outcast.”
Her eyes were now filled with tears, she picked up her dress and ran out, after a short while I heard one of the doors shut with a bang.