

Everything was happening fast, by 6 a.m I was already up by my mothers instructions. The women sang happily as they were busy preparing some where outside. To me this day felt like a funeral it was like they were digging my grave without any worry.

“They have arrived.” My mother Anna squealed like a 5 year old when getting a new toy.

I didn’t get up from the couch, I sat there as if I was glued on the couch. The woman sang happily, while the man said their clan names.

The girl walked in with small blanket wrapped around her shoulders and head wrapped, she was looking down. While her mother led the way.

She took her seat on the floor besides her mother’s feet.

“My child this this Is Nokwazi, she’s now a child of this family.” She said as she tapped my knee “A small traditional wedding will be held, She’s a very beautiful girl you’ll love her. Lift up your head my child.”

Nokwazi looked up and looked straight at me She was beautiful no doubt, but as she looked at me I felt nothing.

I nodded not knowing what else to do, Nokwazi looked back down as if she was told never to look directly at the man’s eye’s for a long period of time.


The morning went by fast soon it was in the afternoon, both the families are rejoicing outside, man are drinking home-made beer, the woman are already talking about Nokwazi and I.

“Baba.” Nokwazi said in a low hushed voice, her eyes casting downward. Never looking at me directly in the eye “May I dish up for you.”

My stomach grumbled at the mentioning of food as I was about to reject and offer to dish for myself, my eyes landed on my mother who just entered the kitchen and shook her before grabbing a tray full of food as she walked out.

“You can.”

She happily went to the kitchen and dished up a plate for me and came with a bowl of water and a dish cloth before handing me my food.

“Thank you.”

She sat down opposite me and fiddled with the scarf she was wearing “My name is Nokwazi Dladla, I know everything happened fast.” She said offering me a smile before moving her eyes away.

She was beautiful with no question in mind, her melanin skin suites her to a t, she was curved in the right places and she was beautiful without no make up.

Any man would have rejoiced at the chance of grabbing but here I was not wanting her as my wife. Just like they always say A heart wants what it wants but just this time it was different my heart didn’t long for her.

“We leaving tomorrow evening.” I was ready to get home where I wouldn’t have to pretend.

She nodded as she stood up to take my now clean plate to the kitchen.