Being a 32 year old guy still unmarried you are seen like nothing and that’s just how I have been treated ever since I finished studying for being a heart surgeon, I bought a house in less than a year and built a beautiful house for my mom but still I am still treated like an outcast.
I guess that was life if you were staying in at KZN or maybe it was just in my household. I was found in the deep rural of Nkandla.
I tapped my foot on the wooden floor, I should have been at home now watching soccer but I was here back at home at Nkandla the one place I thought I had left behind.
“Ndodana, we have found you a wife. She stays not far from here, she’s just 2 streets away. She’s a well brought up girl, she will cook, clean for you and make a house a home. She’ll even give you plenty of children.” My mother said after taking a small sip of her tea.
That was the problem right there. Times have changed, the times have not been stuck at Shaka’s ruling where women were seen as slaves that just belonged in the kitchen as if there was nothing better they could do. That’s not what I looked for in a woman those were just basic things. “I don’t want a wife ” and that was the honest truth I was still enjoying staying alone in my house and eating my money alone now having to change everything just to accommodate someone else.
“Its too late, your uncles are there finalising lobola. What I can promise you is that she’s beautiful, uyindoni yamanzi (She’s a real beauty.”
I knew that everything was moving but I never thought they were moving this fast in such a short space of time. How was I supposed to learn to love someone? Was that even possible?
I gave a stiff nod not knowing what else to say.