
I almost couldn’t believe it when i looked at the foundation that the guys were making it almost felt so surreal. This was it, this was my dream coming true. I smiled as I looked Rachel, she had a look of astonishment on her face “This is amazing.”

I nodded looking at the construction guys hard at work “You see what I’m planning here will make me the rich and not work a day in my life ever again.”

She nodded as if something was eating her, I thought she would be happy for me but now all I detected was sadness maybe even a hint if jealousy.

“Are you not happy for me?” I finally asked after a long silence.

She smiled sadly as if seeing all of this pained her to the core. “No, no. Don’t get me wrong I am happy for you, it’s me that I’m not happy with.”

I looked at her confused “You?” She nodded as she took a deep breath “You were only here a few weeks and look, you managed to do something with all that money and me? I did nothing. I don’t know where my money ends up.”

She casted her eyes down as if it was difficult to look at me “I’m happy for you but I’m also jealous wishing that it was me who had all of this, to having escaped Mr A. I wish I was the one standing here.”

I stayed quiet for a long time trying to process everything, it was a lot but somehow I felt where she was coming from “Why don’t you get out then? Make the money you want and get out.”

She looked up again now with tears welled up in her eyes “Mr A promised to let me go only after I transport his drugs 3 times then I’ll be free to go too. I’ll take my money and do something worth while with it.”

I clasped her hand “Say what? Let’s get out of here and go grab dinner, I know a local spot that sells amazing food.”

It was like a lot of weight have been lifted up from Rachel’s shoulders, she was lighter and that’s all that mattered.