
When I entered the room my body shut down, seeing her applying lotion on her leg alone caused an unfamiliar feelings deep inside.

I could tell that she wanted me in all different forms that that she was not allowed to.

I knew better but still I took the lotion from her hand.

She had a towel wrapped around her body. She turned the longer part to the front hiding away her private parts then clasped the two ends of the towel tightly to her back.

Her skin was soft under my palms, I gently rubbed her back that was exposed to me. She held up her faux locks up in a more sexy way making me wanting to trace her spine with my lips.

I gently turned her around, she let her hand fall and her long faux locks fell in a dramatic way.

She looked up at me, her hazel brown eyes blinked. She licked her lips, my eyes followinh her tongue.

I placed one hand at her lower back and my other hand brushed the few locs from her face and tucked them behind her ear.

“You’re beautiful.” I wasn’t sure that she heard me but I hoped that she did. I lifted up her chin a little and kissed, her arms found their way across my neck.

She held me tightly in her arms. I kissed her passionately the way I had imagined I would, I drank her in like how an addict will behave after being apart with his poison.

I breathed her in, her scent now lasted on my suit.

I didn’t want the feeling to end, she was my drug.

We parted a little both of us breathing heavily, she looked up again and played with my trimmed beard, if it was someone else I wouldn’t have allowed it but it was her and somehow it felt right.

Her fingertips traced my face as if keeping the memory of my face in her mind. She pulled me closer again and waited a second or two wanting to see if I would pull away from her, she stood on her toes as she kissed me this time it was her taking the lead.

She pulled away just a little with our faces inches away from each other.

As if cold water was poured at me everything came back, my senses came back.

I moved back, shaking my head. I have crossed boundaries, I looked at Sindie not believing what we just did.

I half ran and half walked out of her room. If the boss ever found out about this we were both good as dead.

I needed to be away from her.