Christmas and New year had come and go. Today I woke up early, I myself don’t believe I slept last night. My anxiety has reached the ceiling, my heart was beating faster. I lifted up my phone for the millionth time already anxiously waiting for that one sms to tell me that I had passed.
My mind trailed of to my final year and how I pushed myself to study even if all that I wanted was to sleep.
At exactly 5:30 a message dinged on my phone with my last prayer I tapped on the sms.
Not believing my eyes I looked at it again it read 4 distinctions. I screamed, I got 4 distinctions, it was so hard to believe but there it was.
The door opened Mavis walked in with the cook “Are you okay?” Mavis asked.
“Yes.” I offered with a huge smile “I passed.” Mavis’s eyes twinkled “You passed?” She ran over to me and gave me a tight hug.
I smiled with tears rolling down my face, Mavis has now felt like a mother towards me, making me feel no space that my mother had abandoned me. With no children of her own she treated both Okuhle and I as her children.
“You passed.”
The cook also gave me a warn smile “Today I’ll be cooking only your favourites.”
“Did you apply?”
I shook my head “I didn’t think I’ll pass besides I don’t have money.”
“I want you to look at any of the Universities you may want to enrol in and apply since some Universities are open for late applications. I don’t want you to end like most people here.”
I nod, she gave me one last hug. After every one has left I look at my phone again, pinching myself in the process. But no it was no dream it was really happening.